Cal Alumni Chapter of Southern Nevada
Learning to Speak Lair: Decoding Camp Vocabulary
The Lair has a vocabulary that weaves its way through everything, from the thwack of arrows in archery to the glow of campfires at day’s end. Here, “Hail” is a goodbye, “Buy-in” is a challenge, and “Disco Bingo” is exactly what it sounds like. Welcome to the Lair lexicon.
Camp Magic vs. Corporate Climb: What’s Really Worth Your Time
Deciding to work at the Lair of the Golden Bear is not a reckless act of rebellion, nor a polite excuse to procrastinate adulthood. It’s something more profound and more interesting.
The Cal Alumni Association’s Year In Events: 2024
In all of 2024, the Cal community has done incredible things, from moon travel to the Olympic games to discussing AI’s impact on our future. In case you missed them, here are some Cal highlights from 2024.