A Call to Action for Change to Stem Anti-AAPI Hate
Each of us can make a difference in our community to end AAPI hate. Learn more about how you can support here.
Each of us can make a difference in our community to end AAPI hate. Learn more about how you can support here.
As incidents of anti-Asian violence continue to make news headlines, we are again reminded that despite the seeming progress that we have made as a society to coexist with understanding, acceptance, and tolerance, deep, systemic racism continues to exist in this country and that clearly more work needs to be done by all of us in order to overcome it.
The Chinese Chapter stands with the Cal Alumni Association and UC Berkeley in supporting the AAPI members of our community and in condemning acts of hate in all its forms. But condemnation alone is not enough. Just as thoughts and prayers for gun violence victims have yet to translate into common-sense gun legislation and denouncing police brutality has not brought about law enforcement reform, standing in solidarity in condemnation of acts of anti-Asian violence is a reactive response to crimes that have already been committed but does little to stem future acts of racial intolerance.
We at the CAA Chinese Chapter believe that creating the change that is needed to counter the tide of anti-Asian sentiment rests on three actions:
The belief that acknowledging racism exists is somehow un-American or unpatriotic is false. We cannot begin to make progress if we cannot even acknowledge that an issue exists. Not every chapter of our country’s history, especially when viewed through the enlightened lens of hindsight, contains things to be proud of. But denial of past mistakes or whitewashing them only breeds ignorance rather than serves as learning opportunities of how we can do better as individuals and as a nation. We urge everyone to acknowledge and discuss these hard issues in public and private.
Most K-12 school curriculum still contain only token mentions of Asian American history like the role of Chinese immigrants in the construction of the transcontinental railroad in the 19th century or the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. It is no wonder then that anti-Asian sentiment can be so easily weaponized when the average American knows so little about the Asian American experience that they are ill equipped – they literally do not know better – to consume what they see, hear and read about Asians on social media, mainstream news and other sources in a more informed manner. It is a natural reaction to hate, objectify and demonize what you don’t know and don’t understand. Only by educating future leaders and influencers during their most formative years about how integral the immigrant experience is to the fabric of this nation can we begin to bridge the cultural chasm in our society. We applaud the recent California State Board of Education’s historic approval to provide guidance for ethnic studies curriculum in high schools. It’s a step in the right direction. We also encourage everyone to educate yourself as well as those you come in contact with.
While it’s tough to pin culpability and trace causality, one can’t help but think that the charged rhetoric used by former President Donald Trump and other lawmakers when referring to COVID-19 as “the China virus” or “kung-flu” helped embolden anti-Asian sentiments and the ensuing violence. We implore those in positions of power, influence, and authority to refrain from using their bully pulpit to enflame negative sentiment or steer unfavorable public opinion toward any group.
More now than ever, each of us can, and must, do our part to effect change. More now than ever, one person CAN make a difference and, collectively, we CAN strive to make America safer and more inclusive for everyone.
Here is a list of resources for advocacy and action at local and national levels.